Cellnex / CK Hutchison

On 3rd March 2022, the UK Competition Market Authority (“CMA”) conditionally cleared Cellnex acquisition of CK Hutchison’s passive telecom infrastructure assets in the UK at Phase II subject to a divestment of approximately 1,100 sites in the UK. Cellnex is an independent supplier of telecommunications infrastructure, currently active across several European countries, and CK Hutchison is a multinational conglomerate that currently owns and operates the Three mobile network in the UK.

CRA has advised Cellnex throughout the Phase I and Phase II processes and has provided further advice on constructing the divestment package of approximately 1,100 sites in the UK to Wireless Infrastructure Group on the basis of a geographic overlap between the Parties, which satisfied the Final Undertakings which were proposed by Cellnex and CK Hutchison and accepted by the Competition and Markets Authority in May this year.

A CRA team including Matthew BennettVicki MertzanidouMariam Arutyunyan, and Aonghus O Cochlain worked to provide economic support to the Parties and their legal counsel.

Additional details are available on the CMA’s case page (link: https://www.gov.uk/cma-cases/cellnex-slash-ck-hutchison-uk-towers-merger-inquiry).