CRA advises two manufacturers of household appliances in a vertical restraints investigation in France

Laurent Flochel

On 19 December 2024, the French Competition Authority imposed a €611 million fine on ten manufacturers and two distributors of household appliances for vertical price fixing practices in France.

A CRA team including Laurent Flochel, Romain Bizet, Sylvestre Boittin-Duchesne and Adam Samson assisted two manufacturers (Candy and SMEG) and their counsels during the investigation and settlement procedures with the French Competition Authority. The CRA team analysed the effects of the vertical price fixing conduct at issue, showing that the conduct only impacted a limited share of products and that the share of retailers following the manufacturers’ resale price recommendations was low. The CRA team also analysed the potential effects of an objection related to a horizontal agreement between manufacturers, which was ultimately not sanctioned by the Authority.

More information can be found on the French Competition Authority’s press release and Decision.