CRA Annual Brussels Conference: Economic Developments in Competition Policy, 2016
The CRA Annual Brussels Conference, Economic Developments in European Competition Policy, took place place on Wednesday 7th December 2016 at the Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Hotel, Brussels.
Speakers’ slides (where permission has been given) and videos of the panels can be found below.
Tommaso Valletti, Chief Economist, DG Competition
Big Data and the Search for a Competition Problem
Cristina Caffarra, CRA
Terrell McSweeny, Commissioner, US Federal Trade Commission
Joshua Gans, University of Toronto
Glen Weyl, Yale Economics and Law School
Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor, EDPS
Tommaso Valletti, Chief Economist, DG Competition
Gert-Jan Koopman, Deputy Director General – State Aid, DG Competition
Rachel Griffith, Research Director, UK Institute for Fiscal Studies
John Fingleton, CEO, Fingleton Associates
Chair: Kai-Uwe Kühn, University of East Anglia, DICE and CRA
Are National Agencies Increasingly Shaping Antitrust Policy in Europe?
Andreas Mundt, President, Bundeskartellamt
Chris Fonteijn, Chairman, Authority for Consumers and Markets, The Netherlands
Isabelle de Silva, President, Autorité de la concurrence
Andrea Coscelli, Acting Chief Executive, UK Competition and Markets Authority
Chair: Cristina Caffarra, CRA
Is Europe a Good Model for the New Agencies Coming of Age? and Enforcement and Policy Developments – A US Perspective
Toh Han Li, Chief Executive, Competition Commission of Singapore
Renata B Hesse, Acting Assistant Attorney General, US Department of Justice
Chair: John Fingleton, CEO, Fingleton Associates
Mergers and Common Ownership: Are we Allowing Markets to become Too Concentrated?
Carles Esteva Mosso, Deputy Director General – Mergers, DG Competition
John E Kwoka, Northeastern University
Martin C Schmalz, University of Michigan
Howard Shelanski, Director, White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs
Glen Weyl, Yale Economics and Law School
Chair: Simon Chisholm, CRA
In an Effects Based World, what can Judges Safely Assume?
Nils Wahl, Advocate General, Court of Justice of the EU
Frédéric Jenny, OECD and ESSEC Business School
Savvas Papasavvas, Judge, General Court of the EU
D Daniel Sokol, University of Florida
Kai-Uwe Kühn, University of East Anglia, DICE and CRA
Chair: Lars Wiethaus, CRA
Exclusive Dealing (post Intel) and Verticals: Can Enforcement and Economics Meet Again in Europe?
Massimo Motta, ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Barcelona GSE
Ralph Winter, Sauder School of Business, University of British Columbia
Chair: Matthew Bennett, CRA
Full Programme (PDF Format)