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1050 Brussels
Patrick Andreoli-Versbach
Dr. Patrick Andreoli-Versbach is Principal at CRA’s Antitrust Practice, working between Rome and Brussels. He leads large antitrust cases before the European Commission and national competition authorities, mostly the AGCM in Italy. As an expert in antitrust economics, he has an in-depth knowledge of assessing market power in large mergers, estimating damages resulting from anticompetitive conduct, and using economic analysis to evaluate the ability and incentive of firms to abuse their (alleged) dominance.
His work in recent merger cases includes ENEL-Intesa Sanpaolo/Mooney, Nexi/SIA, Nexi/Nets, Nexi/Intesa Sanpaolo, Microsoft/LinkedIn, Vodafone/Liberty Global, Uber/Grab and PayPal/iZettle. Besides mergers he has been involved in high-profile abuse of dominance cases involving exclusionary practices (including Apple/Spotify, Unilever’s wholesale discounts in impulse ice cream, and Amazon’s buy-box/logistics self-preferencing cases) and exploitative practices (such as the CMA’s excessive and unfair pricing case in liothyronine). Finally, he has been involved as an expert econometrician in several very large litigation and damage estimation cases, including Open Fiber/TIM, Alitalia/Shell, the elevators and escalators cartel (for Schindler), the trucks cartel (for Volvo), and the cement cartel (for LafargeHolcim).
Recent clients include Private Equity firms (Advent, Bain Capital, CVC and Hg Capital), BigTech (Amazon, Microsoft and Apple), energy companies (ENEL, Shell and BP), Payment Service Providers (Nexi, Intesa Sanpaolo and Bancomat), and other multinational companies including Unilever, Uber, Expedia, General Motors, Volvo, Open Fiber and Philips.
Besides his economic consulting work, Dr. Patrick Andreoli-Versbach has published in peer-reviewed scholarly journals focusing on applied econometrics and competition policy. His contributions were published by highly ranked journals including the International Journal of Industrial Organization, the Journal of Competition Law & Economics and Research Policy.
- Ph.D. Economics, Ludwig Maximilian University & Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition
- M.Sc. Economics and Management, London School of Economics
- B.A. in Economics, Bocconi University