Federico Navarra

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Avenue Louise 149
1050 Brussels

Federico Navarra

Senior Associate

Dr. Federico Navarra is a Senior Associate at the Brussels Antitrust & Competition Practice of CRA. He has extensive knowledge of theoretical models of Competition Economics and Industrial Organization in digital markets. Since joining CRA, he has gained experience in Antitrust and merger cases.

During his internship at CRA, Dr. Navarra obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of Padua with a Thesis on platforms’ strategies in digital markets (“Digital platforms’ strategies: parity clauses, information provision and data sharing”). During his doctoral studies, he gained additional experience in competition policy and digital ecosystems spending a visiting period at Telecom Paris.

Dr. Navarra’s research focuses on platforms, data sharing and vertical restraints. He often presents his research work at important international conferences such as: The European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), The International Conference on Competition and Regulation (CRESSE) and The Conference on the Economics of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT).

His working languages are Italian and English.


  • PhD in Economics, University of Padua, Italy
  • MSc in Economics, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Italy
  • BA in Economics, University of Roma Tre, Italy

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CMA clears Amazon’s partnership with Anthropic after phase 1 review

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